St. James Academy, Inc.
Mail Registration Students
Please click here to fill out a registration form to print and mail in. However, you do not have to print this form out; you can just send your information in on a sheet of paper if you prefer, if you use this method please include the following information:
- First Name (first)
- Last Name (last)
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Amount Enclosed (full or half payments accepted)
Note: Please print your name clearly, as it will appear on your diploma this way. Allow 1 day for processing when we receive your information, then 3-5 business days for the postal service to deliver the folders to you.
A note on addresses: Please be sure to include any apartment or building numbers for your address. If the mailing address you are using is not your address, please include the person's name that it needs to be addresed to c/o (care of). You will be responsible for any additional postage required if the package is returned undeliverable by the postal service.